Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Barbie and The Three Musketeers Viveca Doll for sale

Barbie and The Three Musketeers Viveca Doll for sale

My daughter had asked for "the Barbie Sword Movie" for Christmas, and also received this Barbie to go in conjunction with it. Within ten minutes of detaching the Barbie on the box, the sword was broken, because during the Barbie's hand, the sword was developed to kick or punch another Barbie. You can forget SWORD, and TONS of tears! The next day my daughter returned to tinkering with the Barbie (to the day it was just too devastating to visit near) and having plenty of fun by it (the clothes offer several different arrangements a variety of outfits) even so the whole premise of her wanting this Barbie was A few Musketeers- I was surprised that Mattel will make this kind of cheap sword if this sounds the defining factor of this distinct Barbies. My child will not play rough. It really is the same as those novelty drink stirrers. Also, I wish Mattel would quit making Barbies where you can't remove their clothes- in this one, the mask/crown seriously isn't removable, and should continue to the Barbie's head- which prevents hairstyling. Overall my daughter loves this Barbie, but I used to be shocked by the crappy company's accessories.

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